2023.03.15 16:21

_ _ On the football field , there is a boy , with GREat disappointment on his face , wiping his tears and sighing , "We lost the game." However , facing the same result , his father encourages the youngster and tells him , "It doesn't matter . You've gained something in the process ." Several Chinese charACTers , finally , can be noticed below the picture , which read "process and result ."
_ _ The drawing , apparently , can be associated with two distinct attitudes towards setbacks in life . For one thing , successful individuals are marked by their various excellent qualities , including optimism and the spirit of learning from all experiences . It is their rational attitude towards failures that enables them to succeed once and again. For another , in reality , a host of young people tend to give up after setbacks. This phenomenon is particularly worth concerning for the reason that they focus their eyesight only on the outcome , ignoring their gains in the process of pursuing dreams. As a matter of fACT , this negative and short-sighted behavior has constituted an obstacle that hinders their proGREss and growth.
_ _ As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, I encounter diverse adversities nearly every day. But I cling to the idea that learning from failures can be likened to a key that unlocks more possIBilities in my pursuit of dreams.
( 219 words )
_ _ 足球场上,有个男孩一脸沮丧地擦着眼泪,叹气道:“我们输了比赛。”然而,面对同样的结果,他的父亲鼓励他说:“没关系,过程中也有收获。”最后,我们可以注意到图片下方有几个汉字,写着“过程与结果”。
_ _ 这幅画显然能让人联想到对待生活中挫折的两种截然不同的态度。一方面,成功人士的特征是具有各种优秀品质,包括乐观和从所有经历中学习的精神。正是对失败的理性态度使他们能够一次又一次地成功。另一方面,在现实中,许多年轻人往往在经历挫折后放弃。这种现象尤其值得注意,因为他们只关注结果,而忽略了追梦过程中的收获。事实上,这种消极和短视的行为已经成为阻碍他们进步和成长的障碍。
_ _ 作为一名正在准备考研的大四学生,我几乎每天都会遇到各种各样的困难。但我始终认为,从失败中学习的精神就像一把钥匙,可以打开追梦途中的更多可能性。