
1. Meeting(会议)- It is a gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as discussing a project or making important decisions.
2. Presentation(演示)- It is a formal talk, usually accompanied by visual aids, to inform or persuade an audience about a specific topic or idea.
3. Deadline(截止日期)- It is the final date by which something needs to be completed or submitted.
4. Project(项目)- It is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
5. Team(团队)- It is a group of people who come together to work on a specific project or achieve a common goal.
6. Task(任务)- It is a specific piece of work that needs to be done as part of a larger project or goal.
7. Report(报告)- It is a document that provides information, analysis, or recommendations on a specific topic or issue.
8. Collaboration(合作)- It is the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
9. Feedback(反馈)- It is information or advice about how well someone is doing their work or how they can improve.
10. Leadership(领导能力)- It is the ability to guide, motivate, and inspire others to achieve a common goal or vision.
11. Support(支持)- It is assistance or resources provided to help someone or something achieve their objectives.
12. Initiative(倡议)- It is a proactive action or step taken to address a problem or achieve a goal.
13. Efficiency(效率)- It is the ability to accomplish tasks quickly and accurately, minimizing waste of time and resources.
14. Communication(沟通)- It is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and thoughts between individuals or groups.
15. Promotion(晋升)- It is the advancement to a higher position or rank within an organization.
16. Performance(绩效)- It is the effectiveness and efficiency with which someone performs their tasks or responsibilities.
17. Networking(人际关系)- It is the process of developing and maintaining professional relationships and connections with others.
18. Decision-making(决策)- It is the process of selecting the best course of action from several alternatives.
19. Training(培训)- It is the process of teaching employees new skills or knowledge to improve their performance.
20. Evaluation(评估)- It is the process of assessing and analyzing the quality or value of something or someone.