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作者: Pear 2023.08.18 11:28



Tom: Good morning, everyone! Let's gather around and start discussing our new project. Sarah, could you please give us an update on the project scope and timeline?

Sarah: Good morning, Tom, Mike, and Emily! Sure, I'm happy to share the details. The project scope includes developing a new mobile application, and the timeline is about three months.

Mike: That sounds challenging, Sarah. We need to make sure we have a strong team in place to handle the development. Emily, can you please start coordinating with the HR department to hire additional developers if needed?

Emily: Absolutely, Mike. I'll reach out to HR and provide them with the necessary job requirements. I'll make sure we have a competent team for this project.

Tom: Excellent, Emily. In the meantime, Mike, could you start researching potential technology vendors for collaboration? We might need to outsource certain aspects of the development.

Mike: Sure thing, Tom. I'll start gathering information and reach out to a few vendors to discuss our requirements and get quotes.

Sarah: While Mike is working on that, I suggest we also create a detailed project plan and allocate tasks to each team member. Tom, can you handle that?

Tom: Certainly, Sarah. I'll create a project plan that includes milestones, deadlines, and resource allocation. This will help us stay organized and track our progress.

Emily: Don't forget about the project budget, Tom. We need to make sure we allocate the necessary funds for development, marketing, and any other expenses.

Tom: You're right, Emily. I'll work on a budget proposal and ensure it aligns with the company's financial goals.

Mike: As we progress with the project, we should keep the stakeholders informed. Sarah, can you take on the responsibility of preparing progress reports and updates?

Sarah: Of course, Mike. I will create regular progress reports and communicate them to the stakeholders to keep them informed about the project's status.

Emily: Additionally, we should set up regular team meetings to discuss any challenges, changes, or updates. Tom, can you schedule weekly meetings to review the project?

Tom: Absolutely, Emily. I'll set up weekly meetings in which we can discuss any issues, make necessary adjustments, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Sarah: Lastly, we should also consider conducting user testing to gather feedback and make improvements. Emily, can you handle that aspect?

Emily: Definitely, Sarah. I'll arrange user testing sessions, gather feedback from the participants, and work with the development team to implement any necessary changes.

In this four-person conversation, Tom takes on the role of the team leader, delegating tasks and overseeing the project. Sarah, Mike, and Emily actively contribute by sharing updates, researching vendors, coordinating with the HR department, creating project plans, managing budgets, and organizing user testing. The team members emphasize the importance of communication, teamwork, and planning to ensure the success of the project. By using appropriate workplace English expressions, they are able to effectively communicate their ideas, delegate tasks, and work towards achieving their project objectives.

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